It's a must, although it doesn't. Interior design assists you for all time in every single life. Even though It comes away out of your mindful. Sometimes as an ash. Let we share by these medium. Not only interior design, but all designs matter that was shading us. Design is when you opening your eyes. Design is way your life.

First of all things, sketching your ideas and philosophy inlined. Hope these blog capable to become a designer pattern.

Let the design shows the style and versatility personality of you...



JUST IMAGINE. Small pavilliun, for small family or new couple. JUST IMAGINE. Small bridge cross the fish pound. Simple idea. Dont forget to put tropical low plant also artificial stone with carpet grass and stone surrounding that area.

1 comment:

SuamIstri said...

kok kurang berasa nuansa balinya ya, pak lik? ngomong2... aku pengen nduwe taman sing bernuansa bali, hehehe...